Monday, April 30, 2007

Sea Otter

new blog is up! im pretty excited about it and cant wait for the up and coming 2007 season to start. it all started two weeks ago with the Sea Otter Classic. that is where i signed my deal with the ODI/ Southridge/ Turner team. i am super pumped about this team. Donny Jackson (southridge usa race promoter) has a super good program for his riders. my new teammates Kyle Adams and newly signed David Klassenvanoorschot ( i think i spelled it right) are really fast and knowledgeable riders and i cant wait to bank off their experience. haha! well david k is fast, kyle is just, eh, whatever. haha. anyway sea otter was pretty fun with the exception that i couldn't get my bike built for slalom. but oh well it was nice to just focus on downhill.
practice for downhill was the worst its been in years. one run every hour! so by race day with 3 days of practice i only had 4 runs in. bull! anyway i still felt really confident, but in my actual race run i just didn't pedal enough and had one bobble up on top so i ended up 8th place out of 80 kids. sounds good but i wanna do better. oh well i just cant wait for the real resort racing!